Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Getting those PowerPath VE ESXi hosts to check into the license server via PowerCLI

I have ran  PowerPath VE in my production ESXi environment and I am a huge fan of the product.  What I have seen in the past is that sometimes the hosts will lose their way to the licensing server, and not technically have a license checked out.  I don’t know if there is a risk to losing the benefits that PowerPath VE provides when a host is in this unlicensed state, so I wrote a simple batch script that would reregister the hosts.  This worked  in the past, but often times I would be negligent and not run it as frequently as I should. 

Coupled with the fact that we began to use VMware’s lockdown mode to fully secure our ESXi hosts, the batch file was no longer working.  Lockdown mode prevents anyone from directly authenticating directly to the ESXi host, therefore the built in lockbox sitting on the PowerPath VE server was no longer able to directly register the hosts as licensed.

I could manually disable each hosts lockdown mode and run the batch file again, but that’s pretty tedious and I am sure I would forget to do it.  In times like these I turn to PowerCLI and write a dependable script and set it to run in task scheduler and not worry about it again.

Since I do not have PowerPath VE installed on all of my hosts, I will just maintain a csv file with the host information as an input for the script.

The rest of the script is pretty basic.  The script is a PowerCLI\Powershell wrapper script.  I am importing the PPhosts.csv file so I can run a set of actions against each individual server sequentially.  For each host listed, I will first disable lockdown mode.  I dug the .ExitLockdownMode() and .EnterLockdownMode() out of the following KB article: KB article


Connect-VIServer 'Your vCenter'

$var = Import-Csv C:\temp\PPhosts.csv

FOrEach ($guy in $var )


(get-vmhost $guy.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | get-view).ExitLockdownMode()

$1 = "rpowermt host="
$2 = " register"
$3 = $1 + $guy.Name + $2

cmd /c $3
(get-vmhost $guy.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | get-view).EnterLockdownMode()

I used the –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue so the script will not halt.  There is a known bug with vCenter when the status of the lockdown mode is listed incorrectly.  The “SilentlyContinue” switch will allow the script to continue to loop through the remaining hosts. 

Next I am doing a little concatenation to build the correct command per host in the csv file.  The end result should have $3= “rpowermt host=MYHOST1.host.com register”.  Using the cmd /c will execute the same command I previously ran in my batch file.  But instead with PowerShell as the wrapper, it will insert each host name or ($guy.Name) every time the loop is executed. 

In the end, I am just putting the host back in lockdown mode as it was before. The last step is to set the script to run as a scheduled task.  I do periodically test the scripts functionality and launch the script as a scheduled task to verify they are working correctly.  

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